Hotels & Tourism

Hotels and tourism smarten up Barcelona

Mayor of Barcelona Xavier Trias describes the tourism sector as “a key and strategic element for a city and its inhabitants” due to the fact that its activity has a direct impact from an economic, social, cultural and territorial point of view. Likewise, tourists in Barcelona generate wealth in the national economy and contribute to international position and economic recovery. Over the past few years, the capital of Catalonia has undergone a considerable growth in the tourism sector, which has turn Barcelona into a leading holiday destination for all types of people, including those looking for an exclusive vacation. Barcelona Turisme, the consortium responsible for promoting the Catalan capital, identifies what tourists most value: “the amount of cultural and leisure activities, shops, restaurants and hotels” Barcelona offers.
Despite the severe recession that is causing damage in almost all the Spanish economic sectors, tourism, like the luxury property market, seems to suffer its consequences less strictly. During the first quarter of 2013, the number of foreign tourists has been estimated at over 2.5 thousand people. Last summer, slightly less than 5.9 thousand travellers visited Catalonia. This data, from IDESCAT quarterly surveys, indicates how the tourism sector has achieved to cope with the economic crisis. Moreover, The Spanish Inbound Tourism Survey by IET places Catalonia as the most visited autonomous community in Spain. On the contrary, Professor Miren Etxezarreta does not consider tourism to be the strategic engine Catalonia and Spain need to leave the economic bust behind. “The system will not be viable unless the government finds other elements to contribute on the economic development”, she affirms.
Luxury tourists choose Barcelona as a holiday destination /
Luxury tourists
Doris Lessing, Nobel’s Literature Prize in 2007, once said: “Barcelona has always been the favourite place of those who travel around the world and know the city has something which cannot be found elsewhere”. Whether this quote is true or not, the figures mentioned before show foreigners see Barcelona and Catalonia as a touristic destination. What is more, Tourism Statistics in Barcelona and its Province (Turisme de Barcelona) indicates tourist evaluations of Barcelona attained unprecedented levels last year: the score rose up to 8.41 points. Withal, whilst most visitors have an average economical budget, others do not want to leave their luxurious life apart and therefore they look for “exclusive tours, distinctive hotels, unique culinary tastings, luxury premium transport and sensory experiences at top beauty centres”, as Barcelona Turisme published in its web page about Barcelona Premium programme.
Data derived from a Turisme de Barcelona’s report specify Russian tourists ranks seventh in the list of foreign visitors who spend the most when staying in the city. This means a registered growth of more than 65 per cent. Although Russian tourism has increased its presence in Barcelona, the very rich ones still prefer to come to establish their residence here over visiting places of cultural interest. Thus, IDESCAT statistics demonstrate French people are the more attracted to visiting Catalonia and they represent a quarter of the last summer total tourists in the northern Spanish zone. The same pattern repeats itself in terms of the lodgers’ origin: they are generally from France. Five-star hotels are not the most demanded, but three, four and five-star hotels correspond to over 90 per cent of all categories, whereas one and two-star hotels are frequented for less than 10 percent of foreign tourists.

Barcelona, a luxurious holiday destination
Luxury hotels sector has enlarged 15 percent from the beginning of the financial crisis and Spain is supposed to open up to twenty new five-star GL hotels in the next four years, in agreement with a DBK Sectoral Studies inform. Besides, Barcelona set up twelve new luxurious hotels only in 2012, all of them placed in noble buildings entirely restored. These hotels feature few but big, comfortable and exclusive rooms. Twelve hotels in just one year is an interesting data to analyze the boom luxury Barcelona is experiencing. As stated by a Barcelona Premium’s manager, “high luxury hotels spread and its occupancy counter the needs of exclusive tourist market which is increasing”. Though, according to a report published by Jones Lang LaSalle Hotels & Hospitality Group España, Barcelona has encountered an outrageous boom for the past two years, which will lead into a more balanced increase in the future.
Barcelona is also a forceful city when it refers to cruises, architecture, climate and MICE segment. In fact, MICE tourism, which includes tourism related to business, events, conventions and incentive trips, grew 25 per cent last year. But not all exclusive tourists do sleep in Barcelona. Cruises are living through an expansion as well. In line with data published by Turisme de Barcelona, cruises generated an economic impact worth to €232,004 million thanks to nearly 3 million visitors in 2012. And what is more, Barcelona received 64,000 people from cruisers who dispensed over €6 million into the city’s economy in just one May’s 2013 weekend. Some of them do eat, buy and consume luxury services during their visit. That is why Turisme de Barcelona’s president, Joan Gaspart, emphasizes “cruisers represent an important wealth contribution for Catalonia’s economy because tourists spend lots of money in local services such as restaurants, transports, shopping or cultural equipments”.
Gourmet Bus is a new exclusive service /
So, whether luxury tourists sleep in the city or not, Barcelona must develop different programmes to suit their needs. Actually, the city runs hundreds of proposals to satisfy their desires and offer them an untroubled stay. Barcelona Premium has designed an endless number of unique experiences. Highlights include tours around the most attractive buildings related to modernism and catalan art-nouveau, but also any kind of luxury transport such as yachts or vintage cars. Exclusive tourists can also have a private wine-tasting at Catalan cavas or anything else the client can dream of.
Barcelona Turisme have also joined forces with private businesses who offer unique experiences. That is the case of Grupo Julià. Both together have launched a new exclusive service: a luxury bus called Gourmet Bus, specially designed for having panoramic views and having dinner on board thanks to the Catalan cooker Carles Gaig. Tourists can go sightseeing for three hours and visit the most emblematic buildings like Casa Batlló, La Pedrera or Montjuïc for €95.

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